Showing posts with label JavaScript. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JavaScript. Show all posts

Thursday, October 15, 2020

JavaScript Errors

Sometimes your JavaScript code does not run as smooth as expected, resulting in an error. There are a number of reasons that may cause errors, for instance:

  • A problem with network connection
  •  A user might have entered an invalid value in a form field
  •  Referencing objects or functions that do not exist
  • Incorrect data is sent to or received from the webserver
  • A service that the application needs to access might be temporarily unavailable

These types of errors are known as runtime errors because they occur at the time the script runs. A professional application must have the capabilities to handle such runtime error gracefully. Usually, this means informing the user about the problem more clearly and precisely.

The try...catch Statement

JavaScript provides the try-catch statement to trap the runtime errors, and handle them gracefully.

Any code that might possibly throw an error should be placed in the try block of the statement, and the code to handle the error is placed in the catch block, as shown here:

try {
// Code that may cause an error
catch(error) {
// Action to be performed when an error occurs

If an error occurs at any point in the try block, code execution immediately transferred from the try block to the catch block. If no error occurs in the try block, the catch block will be ignored, and the program will continue executing after the try-catch statement.

The following example demonstrates how the try-catch statement actually works:


try {

    var greet = "Hi, there!";


    // Trying to access a non-existent variable


    // If error occurred following line won't execute

    alert("All statements are executed successfully.");

} catch(error) {

    // Handle the error

  alert("Caught error: " + error.message);


// Continue execution

document.write("<p>Hello World!</p>");

The above script will generate an error that is displayed in an alert dialog box, instead of printing it to browser console. Besides that, the program didn't stop abruptly even though an error has occurred.

Also, note that the catch keyword is followed by an identifier in parentheses. This identifier is act like a function parameter. When an error occurs, the JavaScript interpreter generates an object containing the details about it. This error object is then passed as an argument to catch for handling.

Tip: The try-catch statement is an exception handling mechanism. An exception is a signal that indicates that some sort of exceptional condition or error has occurred during the execution of a program. The terms "exception" and "error" are often used interchangeably.


The try...catch...finally Statement

The try-catch statement can also have a finally clause. The code inside the finally block will always execute, regardless of whether an error has occurred in the try block or not.

The following example will always display the total time is taken to complete the execution of the code.


// Assigning the value returned by the prompt dialog box to a variable

var num = prompt("Enter a positive integer between 0 to 100"); 

// Storing the time when execution start

var start =; 

try {

    if(num > 0 && num <= 100) {

        alert(Math.pow(num, num)); // the base to the exponent power

    } else {

        throw new Error("An invalid value is entered!");


} catch(e) {


} finally {

    // Displaying the time taken to execute the code

    alert("Execution took: " + ( - start) + "ms");



Throwing Errors

So far we've seen the errors that are automatically thrown by JavaScript parser when an error occurs. However, it is also possible to throw an error manually by using the throw statement.

The general form (or syntax) of the throw statement is: throw expression;

The expression can be an object or a value of any data type. However, it's better to use the objects, preferably with name and message properties. The JavaScript built-in Error() constructor provides a convenient way to create an error object. Let's look at some examples:


throw 123;

throw "Missing values!";

throw true;

throw { name: "InvalidParameter", message: "Parameter is not a number!" };

throw new Error("Something went wrong!");


Note: If you're using the JavaScript built-in error constructor functions (e.g. Error(), TypeError(), etc.) for creating error objects, then the name property is the same as the name of the constructor, and the message is equal to the argument passed to the constructor function.

Now we're going to create a function squareRoot() to find the square root of a number. This can be done simply by using the JavaScript built-in function Math.sqrt(), but the problem here is, it returns NaN for negative numbers, without providing any hint on what has gone wrong.

We're going to fix this problem by throwing a custom error if a negative number is supplied.


function squareRoot(number) {

    // Throw error if number is negative

    if(number < 0) {

        throw new Error("Sorry, can't calculate square root of a negative number.");

    } else {

        return Math.sqrt(number);



try {





    // If error is thrown following line won't execute

    alert("All calculations are performed successfully.");

} catch(e) {

    // Handle the error



Tip: Theoretically it is possible to calculate the square root of negative number by using the imaginary number i, where i2 = -1. Therefore square root of -4 is 2i, square root of -9 is 3i, and so on. But imaginary numbers are not supported in JavaScript.


Error Types

The Error object is the base type of all errors and it has two main properties — a name property that specifies the type of error, and a message property that holds a message describing the error in more detail. Any error thrown will be an instance of the Error object.

There are several different types of error that can occur during the execution of a JavaScript program, such as RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, and URIError.

The following section describes each one of these error type in more detail:

1.   RangeError: A RangeError is thrown when you use a number that is outside the range of allowable values. For example, creating an array with a negative length will throw RangeError.


var num = 12.735;

num.toFixed(200); // throws a range error (allowable range from 0 to 100) 

var array = new Array(-1); // throws a range error


2.   ReferenceError: A ReferenceError is typically thrown when you try to reference or access a variable or object that doesn't exist. The following example shows how the ReferenceError occurs.


var firstName = "Harry";

console.log(firstname); // throws a reference error (variable names are case-sensitive)


undefinedObj.getValues(); // throws a reference error


nonexistentArray.length; // throws a reference error


3.   SyntaxError: A SyntaxError is thrown at runtime if there is any syntax problem in your JavaScript code. For example, if closing bracket is missing, loops are not structured properly, and so on.


var array = ["a", "b", "c"];

document.write(array.slice(2); // throws a syntax error (missing bracket)


alert("Hello World!'); // throws a syntax error (quote mismatch)

4.  TypeError: A TypeError is thrown when a value is not of the expected type. For example, calling a string method on number, calling an array method on string, and so on.


var num = 123;

num.toLowerCase(); /* throws a type error (since toLowerCase() is a string method, a number can't be converted to lowercase) */


var greet = "Hello World!"

greet.join() // throws a type error (since join() is an array method)


5.    URIError: A URIError is thrown when you specified an invalid URI (stands for Uniform Resource Identifier) to the URI-related functions such as encodeURI() or decodeURI(), as shown here:


var a = "%E6%A2%B";

decodeURI(a);  // throws a URI error


var b = "\uD800";

encodeURI(b);   // throws a URI error


Note: There is one more error type EvalError which is thrown when an error occurs during the execution of code via eval() function. But, this error is not thrown by JavaScript anymore, however this object still remains for backward compatibility.

The specific error type can also be thrown manually using their respective constructor and the throw statement, e.g., to throw a TypeError you can use the TypeError() constructor, like this:


var num = prompt("Please enter a number"); 

try {

    if(num != "" && num !== null && isFinite(+num)) {


    } else {

        throw new TypeError("You have not entered a number.");


} catch(e) {



    alert(e.stack); // non-standard property



Note: The Error object also supports some non-standard properties. One of the most widely used such property is: stack, which returns the stack trace for that error. You can use it for debugging purposes, but don't use it on production sites.